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Science experiments at Lukestone Care Home

When British Science Week kicked off on Friday 10 March, we had some experiments of our own that we wanted to conduct here at Lukestone Care Home!

First, we explored the strength of eggs; we laid four eggs on a flat surface and books were stacked on top of them, one after another. Gillian was so sure that this would result in an egg cracking soon, but she was more and more surprised when they held on perfectly, even when the 10th book was stacked on top!

Many residents became curious about the pile of books and were left dumbfounded when they saw that the base of the pile was made of fragile eggs. However, this tower was not to last, as just one more book brought these strong shells to their bitter defeat – Alan and Brian were not impressed with the mess!

Later, Brian confidently stacked 15 books on the eggs, surprising Mihaela, our Activities Lead. We were all proud of him for guessing the strength of eggs in relation to the number of books.

We also tried spray painting with our residents, but this was a little different to normal spray can painting. We sketched faces, flowers with inks or sharpies and then sprayed them with a little deodorant. Leaving the wetness to run its course left a blurred effect and as a result we had new pieces of art which surprised everyone. Although there were some mixed reactions to the art pieces, some of our residents were fascinated by the process and had fun joining in with the activity.

All in all, a successful science experiment day at Lukestone!



