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In Loving Memory of Queen Elizabeth II at Lukestone Care Home

Friday, the morning following the Queen’s death, was a very momentous and sad day for our residents at Lukestone Care Home.

As we informed our residents and they watched the news about the Queen’s recent passing, their faces saddened and they too began to mourn the end of her reign.

For many residents, Queen Elizabeth was a significant figure who represented continuity through all of their lives and was a symbol for hope and better days, especially during the Second World War. Our ladies and gents had wonderful things to say about her late Majesty the Queen and were keen to share what they loved most about her.

Violet told us about the time she met the Queen during the war, following a bombing where eight people were killed. She told us that the Queen came down to give her condolences to the families of those lost and paid her respects.

We shared facts about the Queen, through her lifetime and showed our residents some beautiful pictures from her life.

We also made a touching memorial display for her Majesty, which many appreciated. We provided flowers for residents to place down to pay their respects; many participated in this and loved the idea of placing flowers for her.

All day we had the BBC News on with a documentary playing about the Queen’s life which everyone was very interested in watching.

From all our residents at Lukestone:

‘To her majesty, Queen Elizabeth II,
You served us as you promised,
You may now rest in peace.
Thank you.’


