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VE Day celebrations at Lukestone Care Home

On Sunday 8 May we celebrated VE Day with our residents at Lukestone Care Home and got to enjoy some time in our garden as the sun was shining.

A few of our ladies and gents got involved in a game of football with Linda – Tess has an excellent right kick!

We set up our ping pong table inside for everyone to have fun with and Betty thoroughly enjoyed it.

We spoke about some of our residents’ experiences during the war, or they spoke about the stories of their parents’ time as it was a few years before they were born.

Our Activities Team member Chloe printed out pictures of the many planes that were in use during World War 2 and we asked our residents if they could name them; we found out that we have an expert war plane identifier in Brian who could tell us about the differences between the spitfire and the hurricane.



