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Singalong baking at Lukestone Care Home

Our singalong baking session was an instant hit here at Lukestone Care Home on the morning of Sunday 18 September.

While our residents concentrated on baking as a group, Linda and Chloe sang ‘Santa Baby’ which made Tess rock her hips and break into a dance. She was attempting to dance like the showgirls even when Linda tried to sit her down to make the cookies!

During the session we made our own version of chewy chocolate chip cookies and there was laughter, singing and dancing filling the room as we worked.

When we asked our residents to pour the ingredients into the bowl some of them attempted to taste it instead (so tempting!) but the group picked up quickly how the next steps were going to be done. They concentrated on whisking the cookie dough one by one and it was soon ready for the oven.

While the cookies baked, our residents sang along with ‘Molly Malone’, ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’, and ‘White Cliffs of Dover’. Everybody had a jolly time as they sang their hearts out.

At the end of their hard work, and after all that singing, they were rewarded with sweet chocolate chip cookies. Delicious!





